The need to respond to climate change continues to grow in urgency, demanding far wider application of permeable surfaces reversing the sealing-up of urban areas and moving towards a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) approach, set to become mandatory for developments in England next year. A comprehensive review of all aspects of concrete block permeable paving, Edition 7 enables those involved with the development process to rediscover this most versatile SuDS technology.
With proven performance and new opportunities, concrete block permeable paving offers a fully-engineered and predictable alternative to conventional sealed paving for a wide range of applications – whether new-build, asset renewal or replacement. Replicating natural rainwater management and providing a gradual supply of clean water near the surface, it combines self-draining surfaces with rainwater attenuation, storage, pollution treatment and conveyance. Recognised in the SuDS Manual as the most commonly used Pervious Pavement typology, concrete block permeable paving has proven to be a robust, resilient and adaptable technology for all types of paving over more than 25 years use in the UK.
This long experience reveals that its problem-free performance far exceeds that originally anticipated, dispelling unwarranted myths and challenging orthodoxies that continue to limit mainstream take-up. But, in addition, important innovations and fresh applications have been developed recently, enhancing its nature-based, multifunctional capabilities. For example, concrete block permeable paving can provide optimal irrigation and essential gas exchange for new and existing trees, meeting planning and other requirements for their long-term maintenance.