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02 May 2023

Gerry Pettit Statement


"Following discussions with Gerry about his plans, he has told us that 2023 will be his last full year working for MPA and specifically with Concrete Block Manufacturers.

We are grateful that Gerry has given us plenty of notice so we can plan what will be a very difficult job to replace him and ensure a transition as smooth as possible.

Gerry has given a lifetime to the Industry and his contribution has been immense and not to be forgotten. Over the coming months we will consult with Members on the best way forward.

On behalf of the Concrete Block Manufacturers and wider membership we would like to thank Gerry for his outstanding commitment, both technically and personally over his long and illustrious career.  A very well-respected individual who deserves a long and healthy retirement.

Finally, my personal gratitude to Gerry for his professionalism, knowledge, and commitment to the cause."

Phil Cox, Mineral Products Association
